Monday, July 30, 2007

WORD given on 7-29-7

I have so much I want to share I could and would share 24/7 my son if given the chance but any time you give me I will speak. Today let it be known I love you! Let that sink in deep in your souls. What comfort it will bring when you do, what Peace is available to you to know I love you.
First though, you must know Me. Who is this that says "I Love you" and what is GOD, what does that mean to you? My Name is FATHER for this is what I AM, I AM personable and close yet I spoke and all came into being. Truly know Me I beg you. Know who I AM. How could you not rest and be in Peace if you truly knew and believed that the one who created and sustains all things by the Power fo HIS word Loves You! I want the best for you so Trust, Love, seek, be still and commune with Me. All else will fall so gently into place. As my Son said " Seek ye first the Kingdom of GOD"--seek Me to reign on the throne of your Heart, let the kingdom with in be reigned by Me. Then we can change the world one person at a time.
So Trust in Me, be at rest. Walk in the Eternal Flow of My Love. I Love you all so dearly. Let not your Hearts be troubled, open the door for Me to enter in everywhere, every the door. Rest in Me and what I can do and will do! It is Faith Hope and Love. Amen.